Friday, July 23, 2021

The Value of a Name

Daily Gratitude Year 9- Day 204: Today, I am grateful for the value in a name.

Names count. I have a friend of mine in the process of restoring a horse farm. They are working on a name. Once you name a place, it is named.

Choosing children's names has always been something we contemplated carefully. The Love of My Life and I both had requirements when we chose baby names. Coming to options we both could love and live with took some time.

Names are important. They follow us wherever we go. Names can reflect ethnicity and heritage. They tell part of our story.

I am a child of God is a bold statement, but it matters. And, it is true for all who believe.

"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God," -John 1:12

To be called by His name is pretty special. Does it get any better?

Today, I am grateful for the value in a name.

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