Saturday, January 29, 2022



Gratitude Year 10 - Day 29: Today, I am grateful for the peacemakers.

Someone once said, "To err is human; to forgive is Divine". We all make mistakes, yet we don't always find grace easy to extend to fellow humans who wear the same imperfect human skin. Of course, there is a difference between intentional and accidental mistakes. It is easier to forgive when the hurt is unintentional. 

Someone who "stirs the pot" can bring about strife and division. They can create hurt and plant seeds of distrust and anger. It is hard to accomplish good things when there is no unity in the vision and the mission. 

Paul must have seen these trials in the early churches and wrote encouragement and instruction. He had his own disagreements and struggles with fellow believers. He saw what happened when hearts were divided. 

"eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." -Ephesians 4:3

It sounds simple enough. But, we all have areas of pride and ego that get in the way. Humility is a unique, God-breathed strength that can help lead to peace and unity of the Spirit. Those who exercise humility and seek peace are still the game changers. They always have been. 

Today, I am grateful for the peacemakers.

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