Thursday, January 6, 2022

Truth: Seekers are Finders


Daily Gratitude Year 10 - Day 6: Today, I am grateful for truth seekers.

Truth always rises to the top, but it can take its own sweet time. There is light in truth... and eventually, it breaks through the darkness. 

When my Dad would be frustrated by something happening in the world he would say, "If the good Lord doesn't do something soon, he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." Dad has many sayings, but this one stuck in my head. Solomon the Wise once said "there is nothing new under the sun". The battle of good against evil has been real since the fall in the garden. Arrogance and self promotion came before the first bite of forbidden fruit. 

We don't have knowledge of the depth of evil in  this world, which probably keeps us sane. Man's inhumanity toward man seems to be limitless at times. Pray for those who are working to rescue those enslaved by human trafficking, sex trades and other kinds of slavery. For the justice warriors fighting the good fight, I know it takes a toll on their souls. They are truth seekers and freedom fighters. They are brave men, women and even children. 

There are others fighting different battles. They, too, grow weary, but press on. Truth seekers spend more time listening than talking. They practice the pause. They prefer precise understanding over power and influence. They pray and abide in the Word. 

"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” -John 8:31-32

Abide. I once did a word study on the word abide. I loved an illustration I read that equated abiding to steeping ourselves in Jesus, like a tea bag steeps in hot water. To immerse ourselves in His truth so it can flow through us and change us. And in His truth, there is a freedom the world can not snuff out. 

Today, I am grateful for truth seekers.

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