Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Call

Daily Gratitude Year 10 - Day 20: Today, I am grateful God calls us according to His purpose.

It has been awhile since I've read "Everybody Always" by Bob Goff. His books are fun to read and inspiring. He loves loudly and with purpose. 

The quote in this image reminds me that God sees our potential. Moses did not perceive himself a leader. He tried to convince God his brother, Aaron, was better suited for the job. Noah did not see himself as a boat builder or a sailor. God knew Noah was up to the task. Sarah was old and tired. Peter had betrayed Jesus. Imperfect people have been used over and over again to His purpose.

This scripture fits: "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." -Romans 8:28 

God equips those he calls. On the job training is often His way. He leads us into unexpected places. It is where some of the best adventures happen. Answer the call. Embrace the journey. 

Today, I am grateful God calls us according to His purpose.

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