Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Classrooms Without Walls


Gratitude Year 10 - Day 53: Today, I am grateful for classrooms without walls.

This image grabbed my attention today. "Not all classrooms have four walls." This simple truth is huge. So much of education is checking the boxes. Education is so much more. Life experiences and critical thinking opportunities make learning an adventure and not a chore. 

I was blessed to spend time in the home of Rev. Louis and Hilda Knief.  I loved listening to them, hearing their stories and learning from their experiences. It was Rev. Knief who introduced me to this famous Mark Twain quote: 

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." – Mark Twain

School is important and the Knief children were good students who were expected to do their best. They were, also, inquisitive souls. They had varied interests, but each loved learning.  He never let school interfere with his children's education. 

Anytime we step outside our comfort zones, there are opportunities to try and learn new things. Rich lives are full of rich experiences. Many of them, money cannot buy. Stepping into the unknown takes courage. Life without a safety net is where some of the best learning takes place. 

I am, by nature, a safety girl. I need reminders to get in the boat and leave the shore. 

Nature is an amazing classroom. The family farm is another classroom without walls. I've often reflected on the reality of life and death on the farm. We watched animals give birth. We wept over cats and dogs whose lives were cut short by accidents or because they became a threat to other animals on the farm. We learned that life comes with hard choices. Right choices are not always easy. And, we learned weeping would not last forever. We cried tears and learned to press on. Yes, the rural lifestyle was rich in life lessons.

"Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning." -Psalm 30:5b

 Some learning comes with smiles. Other learning can be accompanied by tears. Perhaps the sweetest learning comes with laughter and music. And, some of the most priceless learning comes without walls.

Today, I am grateful not all classrooms have four walls.

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