Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Draw New Lines

Gratitude Year 10 - Day 47: Today, I am grateful we can draw new lines.

We are taught quickly as children about the importance of learning to color inside the lines. The goal is a neat and clean coloring project. One that anyone would want to hang on the fridge. We are taught to use the right colors for the right images.

There are times there is no joy in staying inside the lines. We stretch, learn and grown when we find the courage to go outside of what is expected.

Our Creator and Savior came up with a way to save us. Our God "drew outside the lines" to come up with a way to serve justice, act mercifully and to love us into the Kingdom, all at the same time. His plan was not what anyone expected.

When life hands out trials that seem unsolvable, perhaps we need to ponder what it means to "draw outside the lines." There are usually opportunities to creatively solve problems, but we forget to consider the more creative solutions. They might be "hard" or no one has ever done it that way. It is so easy to force ourselves to color inside the lines. Oh, the joys we miss. 

This scripture is perfect for reflecting our God who colors outside the lines:

"Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." -Isaiah 43:19

Today, I am grateful we can draw new lines and for a God who drew new lines, too.

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