Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Reminders To Ask for Help


Daily Gratitude Year 12 - Day 31: Today, I am grateful for reminders to ask for help.

First born. Stubborn. Creative. Opinionated. Independent. I struggle with asking for help. I would rather give help. 

I know I need to humble myself before my Lord and those around me, but it is not natural. This passage clearly reminds us of the importance of asking for help. 

"O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help." - Psalm 86:5     

This morning, the Love-of-my-Life prepared my morning cacoa(roasted brewed chocolate), so I didn't leave home without it. All I had to do was push down the French Press, fill the carafe, and go. It was the perfect way to start my day. I needed help getting out the door. He saw my need. He made my day. 

We all need help sometimes. Acknowledging our struggles unlocks the opportunity for others to step in and help. 

Today, I am grateful for reminders to ask for help.

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