Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Picture Perfect

Year 6 - Day 234: Today, I am grateful for the perfect picture. 

I've shared this quote before, but I love it so much, you will see it repeated. I love it because it comes from one of my favorite memories of Jesus captured in the gospels. 

Any time He calms a storm or walks on water, I cannot help but smile and be reassured that this God who loves us ... and longs for us to love Him back...  is very real and very close. 

Peace doesn’t come from  finding a lake with no storms. It comes from having Jesus in the boat. -John Ortberg

Our nephew, niece and great-nephew live on Maui. Melinda loves taking pictures, too. She sees with an artist's eye. LOOK at this image she captured. The light shining through the clouds. The tiny sailboat dwarfed by what I believe is a US Navy ship. What an amazing capture Melinda, and she always shares when I ask. 

It is as if the light of love is shining down. It doesn't matter how big the waves are when the big ship goes by... our God has us covered. His Spirit is with us. No matter what. No matter when. No matter where. 

That big ship is out there to protect and serve in the big picture story, oblivious to the waves it creates for the smaller vessel in shared waters. There is a big picture story, but when our little chapters are full of rocking and thrashing at sea, it is easy to let fear take over. 

Jesus always whispers "Peace. Be still." We can sleep, because we have Jesus in the boat. 

Today, I am grateful for the perfect picture. (Thanks, Melinda for sharing!)

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