What are you called to do? Is that even a question we ask ourselves? Really, the answer is not that hard. We are here to learn to love God... and to love each other.
Isn't is comforting to know that it doesn't have to be as hard as we make it out to be?
Jesus was the original "keep it simple" instructor. He gave basic instructions for pleasing our God and living with other.
When the church leaders tried to trick him into choosing which commandment was the most important, he was ready with his answer. It is recorded in Matthew 22, Mark 12 & Luke 10.
And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” -Luke 10:27
When Jesus had to choose, he chose love. He would meet people where they were over customs, rules and traditions. He was obedient to the Father's will and trusted the plan. He was the ultimate example of "trust and obey". The Father's heart has always been to call us back from sinful choices. "Return to loving me...and love each other."
To continue our CS Lewis quotes for the week, this one is from The Chronicles of Narnia.
“You would not be calling to me, unless I had been calling to you.”-Aslan, CS Lewis
To quiet our hearts enough to hear the call of Christ on our lives is a strange mix of peace and excitement. When death becomes nothing but a door, we can live our lives with more. More grace, more patience, more courage, more kindness, and more love. He becomes our "enough". We can give him the wheel and let Him drive.
Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. -Ephesians 4:1
Don't think for a moment that it is boring to answer the call. Paul spoke fearlessly in public forums and in his prison cell. His passion for Jesus must have made him look crazy to many who knew him as Saul. Others saw Saul/Paul's change and received "The Good News" into their own hearts and lives. This Narnia quote answers a question about Aslan.
"He's not safe, but He's good. - CS Lewis
Isn't that beautiful? The adventure is real. Listen to the Spirit's call on your heart. It might not always feel safe, but it will be good.
Today, I am grateful for a calling.
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