Friday, December 14, 2018

The Stable Few

Daily Gratitude Year Six-Day 348: Today, I am grateful for "the stable few". 

I found this image on Pinterest. Someday, I will have more time for crafty things, right? The play on words makes my soul smile. I have long finished my Christmas letter with the reminder that we always have "room in the inn", so this caught my eye and captured my heart. 

"Are you part of the Inn crowd or the Stable few?" 

In today's popular culture, the message of the stable can get lost in the hustle, bustle and tinsel tangle. This little reminder could be tucked anywhere. It redirects our hearts to the manger moments in a humble Bethlehem stable. 

Do you ever wonder about that night? The shepherds witness an angel choir and are given directions for finding the baby King. I am sure it was not the night they were expecting. I am sure they were surprised to find such a humble little couple attending the precious baby boy. 

And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” -Luke 2:12

Would anyone believe what they heard and saw? Did they think the night air had taken its toll on them? Their hearts and heads must have been so full of the wonder of that night, but who could they tell that would believe them?

More than 2000 years later, we each must decide:

"Are you part of the Inn crowd or the Stable few?"  Don't forget to listen for angels, look for the star and find hope waiting in a manger. I am eternally grateful for that night that changed everything. Believe and receive. 

Today, I am grateful for "the stable few".

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