Daily Gratitude Year Six-Day 336: Today, I am grateful love is never wasted.
The value of love does not rest on reciprocity. We can love without being loved in return and the value of that love is not diminished. Love rooted in Christ is connected to an endless source. We can love because he first loved us. He is the source.
"And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world."-1 John 4:17
There is a peace that comes in knowing and trusting the our God... the God of the Universe... gives us peace. We can love freely. There is no need to keep track of rights and wrongs. His grace is fully extended to those who live like Jesus.
Sure, it is nice to love and be loved back, but sometimes that isn't how things work out. It doesn't mean God has abandoned us. I think that it might be just the opposite. The times we choose love over hate or anger surely pleases our God. The world might reject our love, but Jesus never does. He always responds with more love.
We can practice until we improve our love skills.
"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony."-Colossians 3:14
On this second day of Dressember... love wears a dress.
Today, I am grateful love is never wasted.
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