At this point in the season, I find I have a choice.
I can fret things not done, and worry about my plight.
Or, I can look at all that's ready... and take heartfelt delight.
I can choose to gift the bell ringer , helping those with less.
I can happily choose to wear another Dressember dress.
I can look at the lines with hurried irritation ...
Or, take a deep breath... like a mini vacation.
I can fuss about the food or enjoy the company...
For each one round the table is more than dear to me.
When the stress starts to rise, my brain begins to rhyme
An odd stress response -that uniquely is mine.
Time to focus on what matters most.
The Babe in the manger announced by heavenly hosts.
Listen for angels and look for His star.
We're almost to Bethlehem -it's not that far.
Look to the children to give us our cues.
Christmas is magic, in so many hues.
The true meaning of Christmas-
I don't want to lose.
Today, I am grateful I can choose.
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