These days between Christmas and New Year's are a time of squeezing in some work between holidays for many. For others, it is time off from the daily grind, allowing a few deep breaths before returning to work. For the children, it is time to savor their gifts and to stay up late. It is a sweet season, full of sweets and sweet moments.
Have you ever considered the created things that are a part of our children's world? There are things barely even imagined when we were kids that youth today cannot imagine life without? Facetime and Google are so "George Jetson". Right?
Because "God created man in his image", we are naturally creative. We have a desire to create things of beauty or to put chaos into order(and opposites attract). Some of us love to paint pictures and others paint with words. Some sing. Others create spreadsheets and organize closets into something beautiful.
We have our Father's imagination seeded into our souls. Children are full of courageous creativity until life, time and negative voices make them doubt their abilities. I fear we spend too many years forgetting we were made in His image. We miss delighting in the ways we look like Him. We neglect to take in the wonder of all created things.
"for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see — such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him." -Colossians 1:16
Through Him...
God created...
Seen and unseen...
Yes, through Him and for Him.
Jesus arrived at the "appointed time" when there was finally a common Greek language throughout the Roman Empire... and a new road system created the opportunity for easier travel. The Way of Christ would travel to all people and all places. Jews and Gentiles would both hear and understand the Good News. Timing was everything... and the Gospel still echoes into this generation.
Today, we await the second coming. It think about the the many created things that allow the gospel to make its way around the globe and into the most obscure, isolated places. The internet allows swift, fast and accurate communication to far away places. We can carry a Bible in multiple translations on our tablets and in our phones. Crazy, right?
Twenty-five years ago, some modern conveniences were science fiction. I imagine that the people of Jesus day were equally in awe of their roads and the convenience of everyone speaking Greek. It makes me wonder as the world becomes smaller... how far away we are from the next appointed time? As science pushes forward.. are we almost there?
Zechariah, father of John the Baptist and a priest, was mute for his wife Elizabeth's pregnancy because of his unbelief that his wife could conceive and carry a child in her old age. He doubted and it displeased God.
"But now, since you didn’t believe what I said, you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born. For my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time.” -Luke 1:20
Zechariah and Elizabeth witnessed the meaning of "at the proper time"... for such a time as this. Are we almost there, again?
Today, I am grateful for created things.
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