Monday, March 4, 2019

National Grammar Day

Daily Gratitude Year 7 - Day 63: Today, I am grateful for National Grammar Day. 

I think we all have our grammar nemesis. It is that one thing that trips us up when we write. The frustration is real. Fear of grammar errors may keep people from writing and expressing themselves. Today, be fearless! 

It is good to remember there are people employed as editors. We need them. Most of us struggle to edit our own work. We know what we meant to say. We read it correctly, even with obvious mistakes. The art of being human is messy.

At the start of "Daily Gratitude", I hesitated to share beyond a few sentences. I feared grammatical errors. I write early in the morning most days... and quickly.  I guarantee there will be errors along the way. My heart is full because readers are so kind. 

Grammar is the "math" of putting words together to give a clear message. Commas change everything. Semicolons make my heart sing.  Diagramming sentences is a puzzle to be solved. It is fun, not work. Overuse of the ellipsis to indicate a pause in thought is a creative privilege. Isn't that the appeal of creative writing? 

This is a great example of the power of a comma to save relationships. 

"If you don't think punctuation is important, try forgetting the comma when you tell someone "I'm sorry, I love you." 

Grammar is a tool. Its rules give us clarity. It is not to be abandoned. My sister-in-law gave me a cute little sign for my birthday. It says, "I'm silently correcting your grammar." It is the curse of those who love words and language. 

Learning excellent grammar is free. It cost nothing but time. Abraham Lincoln was poor and not highly educated, but he had a voracious appetite for books, reading and learning. His letters are articulate and beautiful.

Good grammar, combined with excellent manners, can help level the playing field where socio-economic barriers exist. A well spoken person does not have to be highly educated.  

When reading God's Word, one of my favorite things to find are the semicolons. They direct us to pause and consider that two thoughts are connected. It can add emphasis and clarity to a passage. Grammar matters. A friend told me about an older gentleman he knew that was well versed in the Bible. He stated, "If there is a 'therefore', you better find out what it's there for." Good advice!

Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are full of punctuation and wisdom. 

Not only was the Teacher wise, but he also imparted knowledge to the people. He pondered and searched out and set in order many proverbs. -Ecclesiastes 12:9

The wise teacher careful put the words of the proverbs in careful order. Punctuation is important. Grammar matters. 

Today, I am grateful for National Grammar Day. 

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