Sunday, April 18, 2021


 Year 9- Day 108: Today, I am grateful we can live securely because of His victory.

I find myself wanting to hold onto the miracle of Easter with a stronger than typical persistence. I'm typically ready to head into the next "season". In the church, Pentecost follows. An exciting time for the church, then and now. 

Still... this year... I cling to the wonder of the empty tomb. Death could not hold our Lord. 

"We can live secure through anything now, because nothing could secure that tomb." -Ann Voskamp

Our security lies not in Social Security, but in Jesus's victory. "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus", sings my Earworm. (He has been singing hymns again.)There is no peace like His peace. There is no promise made He does not keep. 

"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." -Psalm 91:4

Whatever the day brings... the week... the month... or the year... we can live securely under His protection. His foundation is firm and his promises are true. 

Deep breath. Chin up. Eyes on Him. 

Today, I am grateful we can live securely because of His victory.

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