Wednesday, May 26, 2021



Daily Gratitude Year 9-Day 146: Today, I am grateful for anniversaries.

It is good to remember the mile markers and the moments. Our oldest son and daughter-in-love celebrate their wedding anniversary today. Four years after the "I do's" and "I will's", they still make love look good. I love their tender care and thoughtfulness toward each other. 

They've known each other for nearly 30 years, but this week marks the anniversary of  their choosing each other before God, family and friends. Again, love is a beautiful reason to celebrate. 

We've been married for nearly 35 years, but I find we can still learn from watching them. We are so grateful for the ways they balance each other, treasure each other and work to be attentive to the other. Love is, indeed, a powerful and beautiful choice. 

I love this passage from Ruth that reminds me of the powerful connection between people and families when we choose love:

"But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. -Ruth 1:16

Yes, choosing love is worth celebrating. We count the years of multiplying the joys and dividing the sorrows. We know each one is a gift. 

Today, I am grateful for anniversaries.

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