Saturday, September 1, 2018

Stained Glass

Year 6 - Day 244: Today, I am grateful for stained glass. 

I am drawn to glass art. Stained glass is in the family. It dates back around 5000 years. The process is hot, brutal and time consuming. There must be determination and tenacity on the part of the artist and patience in the patron. It happens when it happens. Something can always go wrong when you are dealing with glass and it takes time to fix it. Time is precious, but the end result is worth the wait. 

Stained glass isn't just beautiful, it often tells a story. My Dad always pointed out the stained glass window in the little Clifton church he grew up attending. It is a precious, old, wooden building full of history and hearts seeking to know God. There is a window that shows Jesus knocking on a door. The door has no knob. It must be opened from the inside. Dad said, "Jesus won't push, he has to be invited into our hearts. We have to open the door." It reminds me of the scripture "Knock, and the door will be opened." Also, the parable about the persistent neighbor who kept knocking until the door was answered. Persistence and patience. A perfect story told in stained glass. 

Like the raw, unrelated materials that create stained glass come together in the furnace at high temperatures melt into something new, beautiful and useful, so we come together in Christ, with our unique experiences, talents and passions. The church is not a building, although it is good to come together under one roof. The church is like a stained glass masterpiece. Each one’s unique story, like the individual pieces and colors,  is a part of the picture. Jesus is the lead and the light. He touches every piece, uniting us and holding it together. He is the light that illuminates and brings it to life. Broken people come together in Him; broken to become beautiful. 

The Master loves the masterpiece. All of the pieces. Non is too small or unimportant. They all work together to tell the story. In fact, some of the tiniest piece take the longest to bring to perfection. He never gives up on them. He just keeps working it out until it is finished. 

I came on this verse today:

I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.   -1 Corinthians 1:10 NLT

We are all different. Yet, we are by the authority of Christ, we are called to live in harmony. Harmony is not everyone singing the same part. It is the melody of all the voices coming together. Harmony is my favorite. Solos are great, but harmony gives me that tingles down my spine when it is perfect. Seeking him... together... in harmony. One part is not more important than the other. The sound man is as important as the soloist or pianist. 

It all comes together, in Him, as beautiful as a stained glass window, door or lampshade. 

If you are unfamiliar with the stained glass process, you can link to it here: 

Today, I am grateful for stained glass. 

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