Thursday, September 13, 2018


Year 6 - Day 256: Today, I am grateful for volunteers.

This week brings so many volunteers into focus. It is the anniversary of 9-11 and the Morton Pumpkin Festival. One the saddest of occasions and tear filled. The other brings people together in joy and celebration. Volunteerism was present on 9-11 and it fuels the wonder of the Pumpkin Festival every year. 

Randy has a t-shirt from Disney that his brother, Monte, gave him years ago. Monte has a drawer full of Disney shirts as a long time employee, and he didn't mind sharing. The shirt was for Disney "VOLUNT-EARS". The Mickey ears were the main graphic. Yes, even the most magical place in the world calls it's employees to volunteer. Why? Because it makes us better together. 

When we work side by side with a common goal, we are at our best. It isn't about getting paid or who is the most important. It is about a job that needs to be done. Often the job is overwhelming, but when volunteers come together with a sense of passion or pride in their work... the magic happens. 

It is why Jesus called us to volunteerism. Not for the paycheck, as it usually costs us something. It is the biggest volunteer job we will ever take on. It is where we find hope, healing, purpose and passion. The benefits far outweigh the personal cost.

Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” -Matthew 28:19-20 

The world needs help and hope. Just like we needed help and hope on 9-11. And, any hometown festival is super powered by volunteers. Where we spend our time and energy, is usually a snapshot of what we hold most valuable. 

The things we build together last. The relationships we make while volunteering are some of the best. They things accomplished by volunteers are priceless. 

Today, I am grateful for volunteers.

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