"Plant your own garden instead of waiting for someone to buy you flowers." -unknown
What a fun quote. We can hope and wish away the days... or we can do something productive. Doing something that will bear some kind of fruit has its own reward.
I'm not much of a gardener, but I do have a few plants in our summer landscape that I manage to keep alive with the help of the Love of My Life. They help make the house look inviting.
One plant... in particular... the Hyacinth Bean Pod... starts as a seed. It eventually grows into a showy vine with beautiful flowers and magenta pods. It is one of my favorite plants of the summer... and we grow it from seed.
One of my first bosses taught me the joy in buying yourself fresh cut flowers. She insisted that it was mood changing and she was right. I don't do it as often as I could... perhaps that will be a goal for the winter months ahead. Buying your own flowers is empowering... and it makes the house smell wonderful.
“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."-Luke 12:27
Flowers have a unique splendor that makes them desirable at special occasions such as weddings, dances, holidays and funerals. We can plant our own gardens. We can buy our own flowers. Gerbera Daisies, yellow roses, calla lilies and so many more choices. Don't fret... just do it.
Today, I am grateful we don't have to wait for someone to buy us flowers.
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