This image grabbed me today and it seemed perfect. I have been drinking some Dandelion Root tea the past few days, known for its detox qualities. Mama Ina Mae had a tea for everything and since we didn't do much doctoring and all lived, they must have done the trick.
The Yogi, Traditional Medicinals, Twinings and Bigelow teas are some of my favorites. Teva is a newer one in the cabinet. Peppermint is noted here as suppressing the appetite, but it also calms an upset stomach.
Lemon Balm for headaches? Who knew? Cinnamon has some great health benefits. My favorite Yogi tea is a Spiced Berry, that I am having a hard time finding. Rosemary is good for increasing circulation and promoting brain health. It is probably why we have heard the phrase, "Rosemary for remembrance." Chamomile is good for you, but not my favorite. Yes. The list of teas is long, as are the benefits. Some will be favorites to sip and others are simply "good for you".
Leaves have been used for healing since Bible times. Spices were as precious as gold.
And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”-Ezekiel 47:12
As the temperatures start to drop and the common winter illnesses show their ugly faces, don't forget there are teas for healing. Mama Ina Mae is happy to offer suggestions.
Today, I am grateful for teas for healing.
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