Today, Donna Davis Roth's (my son's other mother by marriage) and Hayden Amanda Keener Zimmerman share a birthday. I adore both of them for the love and richness they bring to the world around them.
My college roomie....Laurie Peace,so dear to my heart even after all of these years. My Cousin Cheryl Wheeler just celebrated her birthday. Our Nephew Jason Fasel and my Dad share their day. Our great nephew, McKade is a September baby, too. My sister (it is time to drop the "in-law")Jennifer Hanson-Lindgren began the month long celebration.
Then, my Julie Largent and Sharon Doane Brubaker who have been sisters in ministry for more years than I can remember. Pew neighbors like Don Harris and sweetness like Kathy Frampton. Laughter bringing souls like Jason Yordy and Pete Pete. Ethel Kinsey Gremar who sweetens the South and anywhere else she lands more than a glass of sweet tea. Todd's sweet new wife, Sarah, was born this month, too. We are grateful for her.
Lifetime friends like Kelly Cawthon Berry who has added a strong thread of friendship and song to my days. Not to mention some amazing young adults like Lillian Teater, Belle Kestner, Constance Moushon,and Nathan Anne Harper Forret. I have to add sweet Paige Katey Malson who is so very kind and beautiful inside and out. And my some of my littlest darlings, including Hayden, Reece Stacy Kahler Litersky and Duke Hendrick. September comes bearing some of the best!
Seriously, does it get any better than the people listed above? If you know one, two are many of these mentioned, you know what a blessing they are. I KNOW I MISSED SOME (please don't feel unloved...as my memory isn't completely awake), but the point is that September gifted us with many of the "best of the best" I had to at least start the list.
Make your own September list. For me, includes so many who add joy to my days! These are some of my nearest, dearest and the ones who I would say are different from me, yet are my perfect compliments in friendship and service. They... simply... add joy.
Thank you God, for September babies of all ages! They are special.
Today...I am grateful for the September birthdays
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