There is something so amazing about five minutes of peace. The uninterrupted moments of quiet are not easily won in this world of the never ending "busy".
The image is from a book by Jill Murphy that we had when the children were small. The Mother Elephant could not find five minutes to call her own. Every mother knows, even in the bathroom, it can be hard to find sanctuary.
The children grow up to fast and the house is not as noisy as it used to be, but that does not mean peace is more easily found. With technology everywhere, we may feel as if we are never alone. Information, music (which I love), timers, beepers, text alerts, buzzers and more are a part of our daily lives. It can all be quite alarming at times.
A little sanctuary is good for the spirit, mind and soul.
"But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer." -Luke 5:16
Jesus modeled it. We are made in His image. He walked in our skin and understands the demands of daily human life. He savored the times he could slip away uninterrupted to pray and spend savor a quiet moment. We, too, benefit from peace and quiet.
Today, I am grateful for five minutes peace.
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