"A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference." -Eeyore
It has been awhile since I've shared a Pooh quote. Jill and I had a thing for Pooh quotes. They were sometimes so simple... but profound. Pooh & friends could hit the mark where more eloquent language would fail, and I enjoy verbal eloquence.
Pooh may have been considered a bear of very little brain, but his heart was giant. Perhaps it is better to have a big heart than a big brain.
I learned a great deal from Pooh's patience with Eeyore. Eeyore tended to lean into the blues. He would look for the sad and forget he had a forest full of friends who were ready and willing to help him find his tail and pin it back on when it was lost.
When Eeyore was troubled. Pooh would always help him.... but first he would take the time to listen to Eeyore. Listening is sometimes the best way to help someone turn a rough day around. Pooh would always show a little consideration for Eeyore's genuine feelings before he offered his own thoughts.
I went to look for a scripture to go with this post and here was my "verse of the day":
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. -Ephesians 4:2 NLT
Sometimes I pick the verse... sometimes He does. I didn't chose it. It was there waiting for me at Biblegateway.com. Check it out for yourself if you read this before midnight. It always makes me smile... and gives me that reminder that our God is real, present and engaged in our lives when we seek His face, His Word and His heart.
Pooh was always humble and gentle. He was patient and made allowances for his friends imperfections. He did it out of love. He accepted others with their imperfections and loved them where he found them.
As believers in Jesus... we are to be humble, gentle and kind. We are to love people where we find them showing the same kind of patience Christ extends to us.
Today, I am grateful for the people who show a little consideration.
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