Thursday, January 23, 2020

Self Care

Daily Gratitude Year 8- Day 22: Today, I am grateful for self care. 

When we take care of our cars, they go farther. When we care for our homes, they last longer. When we take care of our clothing, favorite pieces can last for years. Even shoes benefit from good care. Why is it we neglect self care?

From a Christian perspective, we focus a great deal on pouring out love on others. To love everybody, always... as Bob Goff would say... is being the hands and feet of Jesus where there is hurt, sorrow or brokenness. We cannot neglect the widows and the orphans... the sick, the hungry or the poor. We are told to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.

 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." -James 1:27

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." -Romans 12:15 

Still, there comes a time and a place that we must recharge. Jesus did this. After John the Baptist was beheaded, he spoke taught the people... but then he sent his disciples out in a boat so he could recharge. He may have prayed, wept and talked to the Father in his pain. We do not know. But we do know he made some margins so he could recharge. 

At other times, he would go off to "the wilderness" to pray and be still. To connect with the Father in the wilderness places was special. The Hebrew word, midbar, means "uncultivated and fit for pasture". There is nourishment there. It is ready and waiting, but you have to make the time to seek it out.   

"But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. -Luke 5:16

Self-care is not really selfish when it is done for the purpose of refueling. When we do a little self care, we will have "our cups" refilled so we have more to pour out to those in need. It is really quite simple. So why is it so hard? 

These are some great self care tips. 

Today, I am grateful for self care. 

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