Mama Ina Mae didn't make us wear shoes outside, unless there was a reason. My Dad diligently searched for nails after we re-roofed the house one summer so we could fearlessly run barefoot again. Barefoot is my favorite, but I live in a time and a place where shoes are necessary. Cute ones are my favorite, but with each passing year, comfort becomes more important.
During the winter months, I become acutely aware of the pleasure of kicking off my boots or shoes for the day. I always joke that my toes need to breathe. I will wear sandals any day I can get away with it, so winter shoes cramp my toes. Yes... the socks, too. Comfort rules. It is a sweet moment in the most ordinary days when the shoes (and socks) come off.
One of the most menial, humble roles in Biblical times was the one of the servant who washed the feet of those who entered a home. Peers did not wash each other's feet, unless it was an act of great love and service. Jesus shocked the disciples when he proceeded to wash their feet before they ate their last supper together before his arrest and crucifixion. The shoes coming off as they entered the house was common practice. The teacher washing the disciples feet was a most uncommon event.
"When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet." -John 13:12-14
His instruction spoke to the high value placed on acts of service and humility. I never tire of reflecting on this passage. My "Verse of the Day" is a perfect compliment to John 13:
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." -Ephesians 5:1-2
We are instructed to be attentive to how we walk and how we talk. Do we walk humbly? Are we willing to wash another's feet?
It has been a privilege to teach foot-washing to the children at church on Palm Sunday. My girlfriend, Julie, and I have shared the practice with grade school children for many years. Occasionally, my girlfriend, Donna, has stepped in to help. It is one of our favorite Sundays of the year. We dress and roleplay as Martha and Mary. We take them back to 33 AD.
Over the years, we have been delighted to see the children not only become comfortable with the practice, they look forward to it. So, do the adults. We all eagerly anticipate the moment the shoes come off.
Today, I am grateful for the moment the shoes come off.
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