Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Choose to Encourage

Year 8-Day 169: Today, I am grateful we can choose to encourage. 

My dear friend, Marie Ulrich Ford, shared this today. It hit the spot. It was exactly what I needed today and I hope it makes you smile, too. You can substitute "guy"  for girl and compliment something that feels more manly, but you get the idea. Encouragement fuel our souls. 

"Be that girl who roots for the other girl, tells a stranger her hair looks amazing and encourages other women to believe in themselves and their dreams." -unknown

There is unique power that develops when we intentionally encourage another human. It helps us develop real and sincere connections. Thinking beyond ourselves lightens our hearts and our load. It is good for our own mental health, as well as the recipients. 

"Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone." -1 Thessalonians 5:13

These are not shallow, empty suggestions. Discipline means "training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement." When we lift another up with encouragement, we help them find their voice and their place at the table. There is room for every one at the table. 

When we care for the weak, warn the lazy or intentionally choose patience, these are other ways we can encourage another person. For years I have used the phrase "good human" to describe someone who stands out for their character and integrity. Now, it is on t-shirts. "Be a good human." A simple reminder, but it can be a game changer. 

Now, the truth is, our human nature is prone to sin because of echoes of the fall you can read about in Genesis 2. We are not perfect. Self preservation is in our human nature, but God gave us the gift of free will that allows us to act intentionally outside of our human nature that says, "Me, first. Or I have to have it my way."  He delights in our choices to look beyond our own desires to be his hands and feet in this crazy world. 

Praise God for his gift of a clean slate each new morning. Every day is a "do over". We can choose each day to encourage another human being sharing the ride on this pretty blue planet. 

Today, I am grateful we can choose to encourage. 

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