Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Year 8-Day 155: Today, I am grateful for yellow. 

Yellow has become one of my favorite colors. Honestly... picking a favorite color would be like trying to pick a favorite child. Each one is deeply loved and treasured for their uniqueness. Colors are the same way. I do gravitate to the tropical colors and there are many yellows in the tropics. 

Sun. Daffodils. Lemons. Corn. Sunflowers. Bananas. Banana peppers. Canary diamonds. Marigolds, Pineapple... and dandelions, too. Shades of yellow make us feel warm. They are welcoming.  

Vincent Van Gogh often added "a touch of yellow" as almost a trademark in his paintings. Think of the painting, "The Starry Night". It would be so different without yellow. 

Some light is more yellow than white or blue. The "golden hour" is the perfect light for photography. It is warm and magical. 

I studied Job recently and these verses are God's response to Job at one point. It is a powerful passage. It is perfect for these days of unrest... and it is filled with articulate description of the dawn and daylight spreading out over the land. 

“Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east? Have you made daylight spread to the ends of the earth, to bring an end to the night’s wickedness? As the light approaches,the earth takes shape like clay pressed beneath a seal; it is robed in brilliant colors. The light disturbs the wicked and stops the arm that is raised in violence.-Job 38:12-15

The yellow light of dawn puts ans end to the wicked actions that happen in the darkness. With each new golden sunrise, hope is reborn. Hope is always welcome. If I were to assign it a color, it would be yellow. 

Today, I am grateful for yellow. 

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