Monday, June 8, 2020

Feed Your Soul

Year 8-Day 160: Today, I am grateful for soul food. 

What activities feed your soul? Soul happy is deeper than momentary happiness created by an event or interaction. Soul happy activities fill your lungs with breath and your heart with joy. 

I was digging around in Exodus today. It is always a good source of inspiration. 

"and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze," -Exodus 35:31-32

Yes, we were created to create, a reflection of the one who created us in His image. 

With skill, intelligence and craftsmanship, we can create.  From the DIY project to a watercolor masterpiece, we can create. It feels good. For some, cleaning out a closet or tidying up a neglected space can feel artful, too. We can makes soap or decorate a cake... or make a pie from scratch. What makes your soul sing?

Gardens are in bloom, displaying God's creativity and the gardener's commitment to caring for the flowers and vegetables. So many find peace and calm in the garden. Jesus did. When he needed peace and quiet, and a place to pray... He retreated to a garden to pray.

Praying is soul food, too. David wrote so many prayers and a fair number are collected in a book we know as Psalms. Word pictures are painted. Some with music... some without. Prayer is not something we "ought" to do. It is a privilege. Do we crave conversation with the God of the Universe... through the Spirit and the Son? It is not a duty or an obligation, it is a lifeline. It is healing. It is where we touch hope. Prayer... it helps us breathe in and breathe out. 

Sing a worship song, journal with pictures and color in  your Bible, gather wildflowers or up-cycle an old piece of furniture. They are... indeed... acts of worship. 

Today, I am grateful for soul food. 

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