Monday, June 29, 2020

Those Who Do Not Falsely Accuse

Year 8-Day 181: Today, I am grateful for those who do not falsely accuse.

As I've said so many times before, this daily gratitude post is not a place for political comment. It is a place to reflect upon our blessings and reasons to be grateful. 

On this day, I do not intend to skirt the edge of political talk. It is simply a reminder that we were told to not falsely accuse anyone. 

Half truths are everywhere these days. Sound bites and altered images are easy to manipulate. What we think we know, may or may not be accurate. It is why it is so important to listen with patience and respect. It is okay to not have the last word. 

That last part is hard. The last word can feel like a victory, but it can be hurtful, too. When we disagree with neighbors... any of them... we can fall into the temptation of drawing them as we see them. God wants us to try and see "our neighbors"... even the irritating ones... with his eyes. Then we must remember what he said when he gave Moses the instructions we know as The Ten Commandments. 

“You must not testify falsely against your neighbor."-Exodus 20:16

The media is in pursuit of ratings. That is a simple truth that gets in the way of news being told without a certain spin. When I was a young and taking media/communication classes, the emphasis was on delivering news without additional narrative. The facts and just the fact, so the listener or viewer could decide for themselves. 

One semester, the morning news was my baby. I choose what would be pulled off the Associated Press ticker tape that gave us word as to what was happening in the world for our ONU radio station. I controlled what news was reported that morning based on what I deemed important from the many choices. Still, we were to report the news without bias or opinion. Just the facts. 

We were not to bear a false witness, simply to inform on world and community happenings. I remember realizing that the media had a great deal of control and influence.I tried to make the best choices I knew how to make. I am sure I could have chosen better some days. 

As the world becomes inundated with voices... on every television and radio channel and on every  social media platform... it is easy to be overwhelmed. Many are stepping off the social media platform all together. Truth seems elusive at times. Checking sources is not always easy, but truth is worth a little effort.  

We may not have the power to fix the world and the media situation, but we do have the power to not falsely accuse. God did not give us the 10 suggestions for living. He gave us commandments. 

Today, I am grateful for those who do not falsely accuse.

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