Sunday, June 21, 2020


Year 8-Day 173: Today, I am grateful for provision. 

Father's Day always reminds me of God's provision. 

Dads are important people in our lives. They show up when everyone else walks out. They are consistent and trustworthy. They believe in their sons and daughters more than their children believe in themselves, and that faith breeds hope. Hope takes root and grows. 

When you look at the men and women who make the world better, so many times, it is a good father they credit with helping them figure out their sense of purpose. When life's compass seems to spin, father's can help us find "True North", again. 

My kids are blessed with the best (Disclaimer: I am a bit biased in my opinion, but he does his best daily to earn the title.) They never, ever have to wonder if their Dad will show up when needed. He is honest and sincere in his efforts to support them as young adults and husbands. Nothing he does for them (or me) does he make seem like an inconvenience. He loves them both differently and equally. (That different but equal is a mystery until child number two is born.) 

A father's provision includes the way they make a living, but even more... it is the way they make a life. Trust matters. Integrity changes everything. Lessons are caught more than they are taught. Little eyes are always watching and they are sharp little eyes. We can be grateful for the fathers who know the importance of their active presence in the lives of their children.  

The hardest thing for a father to endure is when they can't "fix" something for their child or eliminate a trial. At those times, a good father walks with them. There is comfort in the companionship.  Some trials have a greater purpose.

Today, this scripture passage reminded me of God's provision: 

"For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: There will always be flour and olive oil left in your containers until the time when the Lord sends rain and the crops grow again!” -1 Kings 17:14

Elijah experienced God's provision. First he was fed by ravens, and then a widow and her son experienced the miracle of the flour and oil that did not run out while they put their trust in God. Later, the son would die and would have life restored proving to the woman that God spoke through Elijah. Our God is father to the fatherless. 

"Father to the fatherless, defender of widows— this is God, whose dwelling is holy." -Psalm 68:5

Fathering the fatherless... defending the widows and those who are weak... this is God, in His holy place. Earworm is singing Meredith Andrews song, "Strong God", beautifully echoes the truth in this passage: 

"Father to the fatherless Defender of the weak
Freedom for the prisoner we sing
This is God in His holy place
This is God clothed in love and strength"

Like a good father, our God is always near. "Abba" is the name for God that is most like "Daddy". It is he Aramaic word for Father. The name that melts a father's heart, right?" I believe it is only used three times and all are New Testament passages. Jesus uses it in the most intimate and desperate moments in Mark 14:36:

“Abba, Father,” he cried out, “everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” 

What a place to introduce the intimacy of the name Abba Father. The other two passages, Roman 8:15 and Galatians 4:6, reference that we are the adopted children of God. We can call him "Abba". Because the son took the cross... the Spirit of his Son can live in us. He is our provision and propitiation.The sin debt cancelled. 

Today, I am grateful for provision. 

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