Friday, January 22, 2021

Lessons from the Birds


Year 9- Day 22: Today, I am grateful for lessons from the birds.

The older I get, the more I am fascinated with the birds. They are so resilient, persistent and in the moment. They just keep going until they achieve whatever it is they need to accomplish. 

They don't worry or give up when things don't turn out as they planned. They can work hard on a nest and have the wind take it. They don't quit. They start again (except the blue jay who is known to steal a nest). Yes, birds are fascinating to watch. There is something calming to the soul, too. 

Perhaps it is why Jesus reminds us to not fret, but to take time to observe God's hand over nature. 

"Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?" -Matthew 6:26

Yes, we are far more valuable to the Father than the birds of the field, yet when they trust Him, their needs are met. How many times do I attempt to control the universe instead of trusting the one who created it? (Rhetorical question... no need to list my failures and shortcomings in the trust department.) Trust and patience go hand in hand. 

My friend, Gypsy, has been photographing birds this past year and her images blow me away. I can't even begin to imagine all she has seen from behind her lens. Beauty, grace, combat, romance, new life, death, feasts, comfy nests, damaged habitats and hunger. The bird world isn't all that different from ours. Again, a good reason for Jesus to point to the birds for some life lessons. 

My sweet Mother-in-Love, Shela, loved to watch the birds. They entertained her for hours, more than any television. She enjoyed watching the mother birds and the relationships between the birds and the nature around them. She would talk about the things she could see from her window, even when her health kept her indoors. 

I am grateful to be able to watch and learn.   

Today, I am grateful for lessons from the birds.

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