Most people see through the lens of their own understanding, but somethings are beyond what we know and understand.
This verse took my heart by the hope today.
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33
We can outsource our peace, tapping into the spiritual realm of faith and hope found in Christ alone. It sustains us like nothing else this world can provide. It is not of this world!
Today is my favorite day of the school year. Help-a-thon is happening at Morton Jr High. That means between the hours of 8:30 and 11:30, young people will be volunteering all over our Morton community. They will wash firetrucks and police cars. They will clean up at the library. They will serve in nursing homes and assisted living facilities adding joy to the day of some of our elderly community members. A few humble souls will muck out horse stalls at a camp that serves all kinds of children. Food banks will have extra hands. Outsourcing to the unexpected resource of 7th and 8th grade students.
Look for them in their white t-shirts today. Honk, wave and encourage them. It is a glorious time of teaching beyond the borders of a classroom wall. It is learning through serving and the staff will lead by example. Side-by-side, they will make a difference.
Thank you to every community member and family member who wrote a check. The event funds our PTO provided gifts for the entire year. The event exposes some youth to volunteer for the first time. Others are experienced and lead the workforce. In my opinion... it is the best day of the school year.
The work they do today will touch the hearts and homes of those they serve. Their youth and energy will be well spent and some may spark a future career interest.
Today, I am grateful for outsourcing... His peace and volunteer power.
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