There are many smart people out there, but not all of them are good communicators. CS Lewis was both brilliant and articulate. It has been awhile since my last CS Lewis quote and this one might be new to me. I believe it is from "Mere Christianity".
"Pride is spiritual cancer: it eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense."
In our sinful human nature, pride comes easy. It was Satan's sin. Before Adam and Eve took one bite of forbidden fruit, their hearts they were prideful. Humility... real humility... grows from the intimate knowledge of God. Are we still in awe of him?
Think about it. The God who is Lord of the Universe chose to come to earth and live in our skin to understand our weaknesses and save us from our sins. Love grows where there is humility. Love was born in a stable and humbly made His bed in a manger.
It seems like a crazy, reckless kind of love, but isn't that exactly how love is? It doesn't have to make sense. Love is an intentional decision not based on merit or worth, but on sacrifice and seeking to be in a relationship. Even when the cost is high, those who know love celebrate it.
This season, we can choose love. Not just in word, but in actions. Not just donating to a great cause, but embracing it.
I have committed to Dressember, again this year, to fight the fight against human trafficking. This early winter weather has me savoring every last day of November before I put on a dress for 31 days.
Being cold is miserable, but the whole idea of Dressember is to choose the dress daily, because there are women, children and even some men who have no voice and no choice as to who uses their bodies.It may mean setting aside pride in appearance to stay warm.
Dressember might be the perfect daily reminder to set pride aside and choose love.
Today, I am grateful for the articulate words of CS Lewis.
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