Saturday, November 3, 2018

Tree Planters

Daily Gratitude Year 6-Day 306: Today, I am grateful for everyone who courageously planted seeds in faith that would become trees.

The wind dances and some seeds are dropped in fertile soil. Other trees are intentionally planted in hope. From a tiny acorn grows the tall oak tree. Isn’t it a wonder?

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.  -Genesis 2:15

These beautiful leaves were at my feet as I stepped out of the car at my cousin’s house today. Seriously, each one was unique and a masterpiece.  They talk about snowflakes being unique, but what about the leaves 🍁? Every single leaf had something unique in its story. How long from the planting of the seed that becomes the tree... to the day the leaf let’s go to take flight? Only God knows for sure.

The hand that plants the seed may never see it grow to maturity, but the next generation will. When we care for God’s garden, we pay it forward.

Today, I am grateful for everyone who courageously planted seeds in faith that would become trees.

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