Year 6-Day 304: Today, I am grateful for God sized adventures.
Isn't it crazy that our God knows our hearts. He knows I am by nature more of a safety girl... a chicken. He knows that to get me to move big... he has to push gently, letting me gain momentum and before I realize it, the path and adventure are set. I am a still a work in progress. I need to trust him and be brave without the push.
This passage from 1 Samuel moves my heart. Jonathan, son of King Saul and best friend to David, has the Philistines in front of him. He has a Dad that isn't always making the best choices. He has people who need him to do something. He chooses brave.
“Let’s go across to the outpost of those pagans,” Jonathan said to his armor bearer. “Perhaps the Lord will help us, for nothing can hinder the Lord. He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few!” “Do what you think is best,” the armor bearer replied. “I’m with you completely, whatever you decide.” -1 Samuel 14:6-7
I love the response of his armor-bearer: I am with you! He trusts God and he trusts Jonathan to lead wisely. What a great thing it is to have friends for this journey. "I am with you."
Today, you can start small and make a move to the adventures zone. We are never too young or too old to do something big, bold and brave. Sometimes... like me... we need a push.
Today, I am grateful for God sized adventures.
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