Monday, January 7, 2019

Number 7

Daily Gratitude Year 7 - Day 7: Today, I am grateful for the number 7.

Another first. This is the beginning of year seven of daily gratitude. I will type Year 7 at least 365 times in 2019. Today, it is the only day it will be double sevens. 7th year and 7th day. 

At the beginning of a new week, with a full schedule ahead. It is good to know that on the seventh day, we will rest again. 

My Mama had seven children in her family of origin (... then 3 more were added later to make ten). God chose seven days for a week... and then we start over again. In Hebrew, seven (zayin) is the number of completion, wholeness, blessing and rest. It divides one week from the next. 

For those who have been around awhile, you know I prefer words over numbers. Yet, there is a learning and an order in numbers (music and science) that reflect our God. As I grow older, I find it even more fascinating. Even music has seven notes on the scale. The eighth note is simply the first note an octave higher. Who determined that? 

I see God's thumbprint is all over nature, science and math, if we pause long enough to figure it out. 

From 7am-7pm, life at full throttle. It doesn't take too many days before our hearts long for a Sabbath rest, again. Rest is necessary to a balanced life. It cannot be neglected without consequences. 

On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. - Genesis 2:2

Today, I am grateful for the number 7.

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