Thursday, January 10, 2019


Daily Gratitude Year 7 - Day 10: Today, I am grateful for patience.

As an extra gratitude exercise, make a list of the people who have shown you great patience over the course of your life. It will likely be a list of some of the most influential people in your life. 

The people in our lives who cover us with patience are often the ones who grow us the most. They don't lead by their wisdom and smarts, but by the love in their hearts. The funny thing is, these are often the same people we seek out when we need wise guidance. 

It often takes patience to get to the best answers. Immediate knee-jerk responses rarely improve relationships. It is typically looking for a quick solution and not the best answer to the problem.  The response that evolves out of the pause, the listen and the learning can lead to the incredible. 

When Joseph learned of Mary's pregnancy... he did not act with immediacy. He prayed and contemplated the options. He acted with patience over urgency, even though a baby was growing in her womb. He was a special man of faith. One of great faith or he would not have been chosen to partner with Mary in the adventure of raising Jesus and a family together. 

"Be patient when it gets weird. The angels explained things to Joseph after he talked to Mary, not before." -Bob Goff

Intentional patience builds relationships that last. It is an element in love's glue. Imagine what that trait in Joseph did for young Mary's heart. Yes, patience is an ingredient in love:

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." -1 Corinthians 13:4

We can't purchase patience. It can be cultivated and developed with practice and time. 

I am grateful for the people who have walked beside me...  with patience... pouring love into my days. We can choose to be that patient person in someone else's life, too.  

As a wise person once said, "The spirit of correctness is not a fruit of the Spirit." Patience is. (Galatians 5:22) 

Today, I am grateful for patience.

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