Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Daily Gratitude Year 7 - Day 23: Today, I am grateful for synergy. 

The collective energy of a group or synergy as we called it in organizational communications classes. It is a powerful thing. Positive cultures are created. They do not happen by accident. They are intentional. 

One of the things that fuels synergy is the ability to think beyond what I want and think I need, to consider the greater good of the group. In this world of trials and tribulations, there is plenty of good work that needs to be done. At times, the workers are far too few. 

"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works." -Hebrews 10:24

We can motivate each other to goodness. If someone drops a handful of stuff, and one person pauses to help pick up, often others will join the cause to collect whatever needs to be gathered. It divides the labor and multiplies the joy. This kind of goodness is contagious. 

For that person in front of you at McDonald's who pays for your order... anonymously... they may not know the good they do, but the recipient feels it deeply. Someone did that for me one day. The funny thing is, all I remembered about their vehicle was that I prayed for their loved one serving in the military while I waited. The van had a sticker that said, "Proud Navy Mom" or "Proud Air Force Mom". That is my habit with military bumper stickers... I call it a "prayer trigger".  I was shocked when my coffee order was paid in full. I wanted to pay that goodness forward as I went about my day. 

Our annual "Help-a-thon" at our Jr High is a service event. Students gather pledges for funds, and they they go and serve in our community. It helps fund our PTO projects that benefit the school, but the extra benefit is that youth experience volunteerism. For some, it is the first time. Some, who have been recipients taste the joy of being able to give. It is one of my two favorite days of the year at school. Some will feel the call on their lives to service fields later on, never forgetting that experience. 

"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works."

Today is a great day to act out in random love acts. Surprise may follow or disbelief, but keep on loving. This world is hurting so deeply. Remember, what Maya Angelou said so brilliantly:

"People will forget what what said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." 

Go out and have a great day! Leak love. You won't run out when you are connected to the source. God is love. 

Today, I am grateful for synergy. 

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