One of the great blessings of technology is the ability to set up scripture to be interjected into our daily walk. Not as an interruption, but as a chance to pause and take in God's Word. This was one of my verses for the day:
"And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him." -1 John 5:14 NLT
The picture has a slightly different translation. I enjoy comparing and steeping in the deeper understanding. Today's passage was the right verse at the right time.
We have access to so many translations online, including the original Hebrew and Greek . Blueletterbible.org is a favorite. Biblegateway offers great search options. You Version adds in creativity with the ability to add scriptures to pictures.
We have no real excuse for not savoring God's word with a burning desire to understand more and fall deeper in love with the Lord of the Universe. He is God. We are not. Still, he longs to make himself available for time with us. Can I even begin to grasp the wonder of it all? I don't think so, but I will keep trying.
What other King does that? (Earworm is singing "How Many Kings" by Downhere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw3EG6kVNtI ) This song breathes the truth of the unique relationship Jesus brought to the equation. We blew it. God knew it. He made a way to recover, reconcile and redeem us. It really is a beautiful love story.
Communication is vital to any good relationship. One way we can hear his voice is making time to read His Word... and even sing His word. Life isn't always easy, but He is always present to offer encouragement and comfort.
Knock. Seek. Read. Find.
Today, I am grateful for the right verse at the right time.
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