There are times when a good grip makes all the difference.
When walking on a slippery slope, a handrail makes all the difference. I am reminded of a disastrous ski lesson that ended in a twisted knee when I lost grip of the tow rope on the way up the bunny hill. My skis seemed to move faster backwards than they did forwards, but I had no better control. A good grip made all the difference. Don't laugh. It ended my Olympic ski career before it ever began.
Do we even begin to have a grip on the depth of Christ's love for us. God's burning desire to understand us and what it felt to be one of us lead Him to take the step to BE one of us. Living in our skin, His love grew deeper, wider and never gave up hope that we might return to a relationship with him. Love was willing to pay the price to balance the scales of justice.
"If we grasp the full love of Christ, we won't grab at other things to fill us." -Lysa Terkeurst
I think there is great truth in her words. What are we grasping at today? Do we have a good grip on Jesus and his love for us?
"Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men." -Philippians 2:5-7
I think my grip could be improved. Time in His word, with his people and prayer are a great strength training prograom. When the world says you are not enough... He whispers "You were worth the price... all of it!"
My grip isn't perfect, but it is improving.
Today, I am grateful for a good grip.
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