They are one of my favorite things about summer. They are the plant that keeps on giving once they start to produce. They taste like sunshine and warm weather. Perfect for snacking or an easy addition to any salad or dish... cherry tomatoes make me smile.
It is these simple little things I take for granted that I want to pause and embrace with a grateful heart. Ample fresh vegetables is a blessing many people on this planet rarely enjoy. It is another reason I enjoy four seasons. With every season comes something new to savor.
All of the summer's goodness is just around the corner. I am reminded that we are to honor God with our "first fruits" - with the best... not our leftovers. Cain and Abel gave us a lesson in giving with a pure heart. The way a child brings the first dandelion flower to their mother as a gift. The heart of the giver can make a week a flower... and a vegetable as important as a lamb.
This verse is from Solomon's wisdom:
Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine.-Proverbs 3:9-10
The heart of the giver makes a difference. How often do I long for His hand to bless... but hold back on the first fruits that show him honor? When we do something because "it is the right thing to do"...it is STILL the right thing to do. When we do or give something because were are overwhelmed by the blessings God has granted us and want to give him our best... we find worship in the offering.
That said... I am always eager to see what veggies of abundance wait at the door when we exit our church on summer Sundays. I have no idea whose generosity provides the gift... but God knows. It just says,"Take what you can use." Tomato, zucchini and cucumber season are just around the corner.
The cheery, cherry tomatoes are definitely a favorite.
Today, I am grateful for cherry tomatoes.
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