Daily Gratitude Year 7-Day 145: Today, I am grateful for great love.
This layout is a scrapbook reflection from May 2012- more than a decade after the day our world stood still on 9/11 2001. The picture is from 9/11/2002, on the one year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. My boys and Blake Leander were so little. Today, they are men.
I love the quote that reminds us that our soldiers are not fighting the enemies in front of them out of hate; they are defending the loved ones at home or standing behind them as brothers and sisters in arms. Evil unchecked will prevail. Evil is present in this world and very real. Disasters fall on the good and the evil. Our armed forces are there to step in, with the goal of checking, protecting, serving and keeping peace.
"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." -John 15:13
How many families have seen the car pull up and a military chaplain or high ranking officer get out of the car with a sober, somber face? Sometimes, words are inadequate. When they fail, we have ceremony and traditions to say what words cannot express.
When words fail - that is where a 21 gun salute and the bugle corps playing Taps. It speaks volumes about service, honor, sacrifice and love of country and home.
When I see a flag folded into a triangle- my mind is taken to the soldier handing my own mother a folded flag in representation of my sister's service in the Air Force in the last 2 years of her life. We did not know she was living in her last days. There is a blessing in the grace of the unknown. We could live in full joy of an approaching wedding, reunion and marriage... until the change of plans was revealed by an Air Force Chaplain with my parents and brother receiving the news of her death. It is good to remember because it reminds us that not one tomorrow is promised.
Jesus encouraged us to not worry, but to seek His face and live fully in this one day.
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. " -Matthew 6:33-34
Today has enough trouble. On Memorial Day, we remember those lost in days of trouble. We remember that this day is another chance to pause, give thanks and to honor those who might otherwise be forgotten.It is a day to show gratitude to our brothers and sisters in arms.
Hold those you love close.
Pray for a soldier.
Give thanks for those who are in active service.
Pray for families who still mourn.
Love without reservation for we know not the days we have left.
I am grateful for a day to remember.
Today, I am grateful for great love.
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