This is a beautiful passage. So rich in the love, truth and hope found in knowing the God of the Universe, truly is present in our daily, ordinary lives.
Every day we try. Every day... we blow it in some way. Still, His love endures. He is our portion. He is our "enough". In Him there is a peace and a contentment that eludes a world that is wanton and desperate for more.
Enough is such a beautiful thing. "The Lord is my portion." He is our enough. His mercy pours out and into our imperfections.
A new day is a new beginning. I adore the dawn of a new day. I hate to miss it. There is something holy in the moments before, during and right after the break of day. It is another chance to live for and with the One who was willing to give up heaven to know our trials, our hurts, our joys and our celebrations.
they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. Today, I am grateful for endless mercies fresh each morning. -Lamentations 3:23-25
Make today worthy of His gift. Make a moment. Make a memory.
Today, I am grateful for endless mercies fresh each morning.
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