I have a font problem. The Love-Of-My Life once questioned, "Are all of these fonts on the computer really necessary?" Being a wise man, he accepted my "Yes" and left it at that. I love him... and I love fonts. He chose not to press the issue.
Creating Keepsakes had a program called "Fontastic". It had the vast selection of fonts on one CD. From cute and playful to regal and pompous, there was something for everyone. Literally... a font for every occasion.
Of course, I had my favorites and I still use some of them today. Yes, I still have those fonts on my computer to this day.
Helvetica is what I use to write daily gratitude posts ( http://fromvaleriesheart.blogspot.com/) before I copy and past them to Facebook. Clean, fresh and good enough for most occasions. Helvetica translates cleanly into other fonts when a change is required.
Going beyond what is written in a text, the font chosen gives additional meaning to the communication. Is it formal or casual? Fonts give us clues....long before a story or letter is read.
And the Lord answered me:“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. -Habakkuk 2:2
Write it. Make it plain.
Today, I am grateful for fonts.
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