Dawn dish soap.
Mrs. Myer's cleaning products.
Murphy's Oil Soap.
The list goes on. Cleaning products make a huge difference in our homes. What would we do without them?
Some things are not so easily cleaned up. Our human hearts are prone to wander. We are easily distracted, but God made it clear over and over that he wants to be in communication and in relationship with us.
When David messed up... really messed up... his heart cried out for a cleansing and a renewal.
Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. -Psalm 51:10
When David confessed his sins to God, he was forgiven. The past was the past. God did allow David some tough consequences. He had broken at least 3 of the laws given to Moses and the justice face of God could not ignore his sin.
Is it any wonder that "washing" was a part of the imagery? David needed his sins washed away so he could be free to begin again. In his sincere repentance, God heard him and forgave.
Today, I am grateful for things that clean.
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