Thursday, April 7, 2022

Healing Tears

Daily Gratitude Year 10 - Day 98: Today, I am grateful for healing tears.

If asked about my favorite book series of all time, I'd have to say it was Dee Henderson's "The O'Malley's". 

The story begins in a Chicago orphanage where a group of older, unwanted children realized that they would have no family to call their own. No "happily-ever-after". They could have chosen to let anger fester in the unfairness of life. Instead, they chose each other. When they turned 18, they all changed their last names to "O'Malley" and created their own family. They are fictional characters, but they feel like old friends by the end of the series. 

"Faith would get her through when she had to face tomorrow, but her grief needed the tears to fall. There was healing in those tears." -Dee Henderson

Such an articulate expression of grief. "The O'Malley" series has characters with real heartbreak and real struggles. 

Faith does not mean the tears won't fall. Faith means we can fall into the arms of the Savior. When our human strength fails, He will be our strength and our comfort. He longs to walk with us every step of the way. We don't have to do it alone. Together is better. 

When Lazarus died, Jesus openly grieved. He felt the hurt with Martha and Mary. The relationship called for shared grief. Jesus knew he would raise Lazarus from the dead, but he still felt the sorrow of his sisters. Grief demands a release. Tears are not the enemy. They are healing. 

"Jesus wept." -John 11:35

A good cry is cleansing for the soul. Tears are not meant to cripple us. They are a part of the healing journey. To know great grief, we must first know great love. 

Trust the healing in the tears... and the hand that wipes them all away.

"He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign Lord will wipe away all tears." -Isaiah 25:7a

Forever! But for today, we can press on with healing tears.

Today, I am grateful for healing tears.

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