Sunday, May 31, 2020

Listening Lessons

Year 8-Day 150: Today, I am grateful for listening lessons. 

There are times in life, we don't know what to say. Words are useless when the grief is tangible. When that is the case... it is critical that we learn to listen. Not to respond... but to hear the story, the pain, the fear, the brokenness and the possible hopelessness. Listening is where we need to begin. 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer spoke this wisdom: 

"The first service that one owes to others in the fellowship consists of listening to them. Just as love of God begins with listening to His word, so the beginning of love for our brothers and sisters is learning to listen to them." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer 

Our families are hurting today. Brothers and sisters in Christ are hurting today. How do we respond? 

Again... Romans 12:15 is appropriate: "....weep with those who weep." Today, we weep with those who weep. 

I have no words for what I cannot even begin to truly understand. My family came through Ellis Island after hardship at home ... I am third generation... but I still do not understand. If stopped on a traffic violation... I have no fear except the price of my ticket and the impact on my insurance. I have been followed around by store security... but only once... and I think it was because I had a big bag and time to spare. Once in my lifetime. I don't understand. 

My friend, Teresa Garner, posted a long but articulate and heartfelt post... with more questions than answers. Thank you Teresa. In a nutshell, we must be the change we want to see. How that happens, begins with me.... and each one of us.   

Each one of us as we recognize the smallest injustice and take a stand. To recognize injustice... we must listen. We must see with Jesus eyes. We must love with open hearts. Bob Goff says, "Love does"... but Bob would be quick to credit Jesus as being the original creator of that movement. We must learn to listen better. Listen and learn. 

We have so much to learn. 

Today, I am grateful for listening lessons. 

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