Tuesday, August 11, 2020


 Year 8-Day 223: Today, I am grateful for Chase.

My first born is twenty-nine today. How can that be possible? I remember the night he was born. I remember the long hours that led up to the miracle. I remember the way he would study the world around him with a curious mind and an intensity that should have given us clues about his future and the man he would grow up to be. 

He always asked big questions... hard questions... beyond his years about God, the stars and dinosaurs. He would line up his cars and tie them together with strings long before his high school physics Rube Goldberg assignment. 

He is programmed for critical thinking and enjoys problem solving. He is equally capable of putting pen to paper with ease. Okay, he uses a computer, but you know what I mean. He never tires of learning new things, and remembers most of what he learns.

He has always loved animals... big and small. A fluffy, senior Rottweiler named Penny has him wrapped around her paw. I love that he (and Emma) rescued an older dog from the local shelter. Of course, I am a firm believer that our pets rescue us right back. Penny looks at him with adoration and I can't help but smile. He is so much like his Dad. 

He loves his wife with his whole heart and treasures their days together. Being a husband has added a new dimension to his personality and we can't help but smile. 

I am grateful God placed him in our arms and protected him from our inexperience as parents. I am grateful for the many who loved him with us and helped him grow. Birthday are a wonderful opportunity to express gratitude for the many blessings on our lives. 

Today, I am grateful for Chase.

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