Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Walk

 Year 8-Day 241: Today, I am grateful for the walk. 

This image made me smile today. I am sure that Daisy Mae is the master of our walks. She takes far more steps than necessary, always veering off course to sniff. She feels the need to smell everything making a straight path nearly impossible. She is improving, but it takes time. As she grows more weary on the walk, she walks straighter and closer to her master. 

Learning to walk the right way takes time, attention and practice. It relates so well to our faith walk. We need practice, too. We want to please our God, but we are distracted by shiny things, hard things, human desires, earthly things that grab our attention and the things we see in others. God wants us to walk our walk in step with him. He wants us to let him lead. 

This passage always resonates with my soul:  

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? -Micah 6:8

That is sound instruction. Our God is faithful and longs for us to do justice, act with kindness and to walk humbly with Him each day. Some days the walk is easy. Others, it is a struggle. 

Honestly, it is often when I am worn out that I finally surrender and let Him lead. I fight for control, until I realize I am over my head and drowning in trouble. He much prefers to walk with us, beside us and will go before us when times are tough. 

Daisy Mae is always up for a walk. She even suggests it at times. I can learn lessons from her eagerness, even if she doesn't model restraint. She is always zealous for a walk. 

Our Father in heaven longs to see our eagerness grow. The more time we spend with Him the more our heart desires to be fully in Him. He fills our days with hope, light, song... and a good walk. 

Today, I am grateful for the walk. 

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