Friday, August 7, 2020


Year 8-Day 220: Today, I am grateful for S'mores.

Friday night traditions often include a fire and s'mores. We love our traditions. Tonight, the temperature was just right for both. 

S'mores require a graham cracker, a toasted marshmallow and Hershey's chocolate. 

It is a perfect little desert sandwich. It makes me wonder who came up with the idea? Some Mom on a family camping trip? I tried to research it. It has been around a long time, but it's history is a mystery. 

Our Ryan and Anna insist that Reese's Peanut Butter cup is a great substitute for the chocolate bar. I would certainly give that variation a try. A s'more is more than a dessert, it is fun. It is as much about the fire and the fellowship as it is about the food. 

Graham crackers are good on their own. So are toasted marshmallows. Chocolate, I believe, was inspired by angels. On their own, they are delicious. Put them together... suddenly they are MORE. The sum is more than the parts. 

Is our God is like a s'more? The Holy Trinity... Father, Son & Holy Spirit... HE is so much more that we can imagine or truly understand.  I see a children's lesson in the making. The Graham Cracker holds it all together like the Father. The Holy Spirit... warm and sweet... and then before you know it, it is everywhere. The chocolate is obviously a food directly from heaven. Jesus experienced life in human skin, the bitter and the sweet. And when we were at our worst, His heart melted for us with unconditional love and sacrifice. 

The scriptures tell us that our "God is more". 

"God is more glorious than the moon; he shines brighter than the stars." -Job 25:5

He is more.

Today, I am grateful for S'mores.  

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